86th Floor Comics

The UK online comic shop for all your new comics and related merchandise

Our Advance Order Services


New series

Your comics will be dispatched in the first week of each month together with a bill for that batch of comics and a date by which the bill must be paid. This date will be the the same as our monthly order deadline (usually the 18th.)

New series

We do, however, reserve the right to ask for a deposit for particularly large orders or for high-priced individual items. Also, customers who do not settle an invoice on time, or otherwise abuse our order terms, will be required to pay for future deliveries before they are dispatched.

New series

You can pay by bank transfer (the account details to pay into will be listed on your invoice.)

Alternatively, payment can be made by credit/debit card or by cheque.

Please e-mail us if you need any more information.